Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Last couple of days...

So, what's been going on here lately?

Well, while some of us played games, others were trying to come up with new, weird poses...

Some of us were shooting the weather (and one of the school buildings)...

...while some tried to get a good view. Which wasn't easy in these weather conditions... But I'm planning to get better shots of the town, so stay tuned for that!

While some of us were cooking (this particular meal was one of the best this year, even if it looks simple and was easy to cook, it tasted delicious and luxurious)...

... other's been putting up new curtains....

...while other's were playing basketball (and some of us watched the game and took some nice shots).

That's it for this time, come back for more soon!

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Sweet little video

It's an old one, but I haven't seen it until a friend (;-)) found it today and since it's a blast to watch I highly recommend it!
It's about a small, flightless bird - Kiwi. Here it is:

And hey, stay tuned for more updates later on this week!

Thursday, February 22, 2007

E-paper at school

This week, during our interaction design class, we were able to play around with some different portable devices, in order to evaluate the different interfaces. One of this devices, the prototype of the iRex iLiad is one of those new upcoming electronic paper book/newspaper readers. It was really nice to have the opportunity to play around with tomorrow's technology during class, and of course, I took some shots!

Two different types of tablet PC's running Windows:

Since these devices do not contain keyboard (unless you attach an external one), there must be some way to do the (in)famous Windows trick: Ctrl+Alt+Del. So how did they solved it? Like this (look closely):

That's right, use the pen to push the reset button which sends the Ctrl+Alt+Del command to the system. This reminds me of my Windows-age back in the days (before Linux and just recently OS X). =)

What else do we have? The Samsung Q1 is a real hottie. The interaction, considering the size of the touchscreen, is impressive.

And finally, we have the electronic paper device, iRex iLiad (who came up with this kind of name anyway?!). You can read more on electronic paper on the Net, a good started is (as always), Wikipedia's article on the subject. Here are some pics:

Okay, that's all for now. I hope you enjoyed this post! (And sorry about those two last pictures, I can't understand why Blogger has such problems with rotating my photos properly.)


Sunday, February 18, 2007

What I've been up to lately

Hi there! Here's a brief sum up of what's been going on the last few days. I go for the pictures instead of boring you with me poetic descriptions of the world around us.

Friday: Quick meal 'n quick shot.

Studying at school. Checking out an extraordinary thin cell phone.

And looking at the first reboot in 25 days (it was necessary after an firmware upgrade).

And in case you still haven't seen anything interesting in this post, here's a final photo which might change your mind. Cheers!

Friday, February 16, 2007

Another day has passed

Hi there. I don't really have much to say today. I've been doing the usual, school, job.. Saw a basketball game this evening as well. Unfortunatelly it didn't turn out well for Halmstad this time. Well, yeah, here's a shot:

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

One of those must-see videos

While reading my daily RSS feeds today, I ran across this video. Featuring Jobs & Gates, and some other special guests, definitely worth watching, if so for the Finder song. Not as geeky as one might think, so give it a go!

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Why? Because I'm forced to!

Okay, so just so you know: I'm not doing this voluntary. I'm not doing this because it's fun. And I'm not doing this because I want to.
Nope..the reason Sure, I could design an interface in Macfriendly applications such as Flash, but seriously, if it's got to be, it better be got! So the prototype will be build the same way as real applications are. For that to be possible I need to install something I can run at school (i.e. Windows...). So here it is, those of you who didn't know already: Macs are perfectly capable of running whatever you need (need is not the same as want in my case) them to run.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Running Windows 3.11 on Mac

This one goes out for all the geeks out there ;)
Here's what's possible to do with a Mac nowadays:

Kinda ol' school feelin' ;)

Monday, February 05, 2007

Studying at E.H.

Tomorrow's the exam in entrepreneurship class, time's running out and I have kinda mixed feelings about it.. Gotta go back to studying tho, so I can say I was trying, at least. Not giving up! ;)

Friday, February 02, 2007

Trying to learn something

The exam is just 4 days away so it's high time to start studying hard!

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Watching some basketball

This time Halmstad won't win, but hey, at least I made it to the game!