Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Why it's critical to put something into the right context

Good morning (yeah I know, but it's Ramadan and I like sleeping late nowadays)! Here's a random thought for you. Buying a computer is often seen as a huge expanse. Especially when it comes to a Mac. I don't know why but I hear it all the time from people that "oh those Macs, yeah they're sure nice but too expansive". Erm, well not so sure about it, take a look at the consumer MacBook or iMac and compare it with a Dell or something – and see what you get for the money, I'm talking about the build quality – and think again. And I haven't even mention that you get rid of the probably most irritating thing with new PCs: the Windows Operating System. But check out this story.

About 26 months ago (or 780 days if you count like 26*30) I bought a than brand-new MacBook. A year later or so I wanted to upgrade it a bit with bigger hard drive and more RAM, so I bought additional. Total cost for this 26 months is something like 12.000 SEK (that's about €1200). It's 12.000 SEK/780 days, that is something like 15 SEK a day, or €1,50! €1,50 a day for using an amazing machine every day in two years. Still think it's expansive? Think again!

Update: Oh yeah, almost forgot: the second season of Californication is out, get the two first episodes now! From Wikipedia: "The premiere of season two is set for September 28, 2008. The first and second episodes of season two leaked to the internet on September 8.". Sweet! 

1 comment:

Mashers said...

Windows isn't that bad. I mean, it's not as pretty & smooth as macs, but somehow I feel more in control when using a PC. I know you can write HTMLs or whatever for macs, but for the standard user, PCs are better. I have a Samsung NC10 netbook and it's truly marvellous. Only cost about £300, but I swear it's as good as any standard-priced laptop. I agree about the Dell thing though. They use Vista, which is awful on laptops as it's big & slow.